Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2019, Siena College
Lecture 6: More ArrayLists
Date: Monday, September 16, 2019
- Announcements
- The zyBook review assignment is now done
- zyBook Assignment 2 is underway, due September 26
- Lab 1 due Wednesday
- Problem Set 1:
- due in a week, remember to make steady progress, and
demonstrate it by committing and pushing frequently
- when you have questions, don't email me the code, just make
sure what you have is in GitHub and I'll go look there
- Generic classes/type parameters
- More on Java's ArrayList ADT
- a method that takes an ArrayList parameter
- adding an enhanced for loop
- developing a complete example: pocket change
- generic/parameterized data types
- type parameter
- linear search
- autoboxing, autounboxing
- iterate
- enhanced for loop
- PocketChange - developed in class