Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2019, Siena College
Lecture 36: Review and Preview
Date: Monday, December 9, 2019
- Announcements
- Lab 10 due later today
- Programming project due tonight
- will clone repositories Tuesday morning, no late submissions considered
- Course evaluations reminder: let's get to that 95% response rate!
- Final exam information
- 8:30 AM, Friday, December 13, RB 340
- See study guide and practice questions in your email
- Same ground rules as first two exams
- I will be in an out of my office, stop by when you see me
- Office hours to be held Wednesday, 10:30-11:30
- Prof. White will have office hours you are welcome to utilize:
Tuesday 1-3, Thursday 9-11.
- Review time on Thursday, December 12, 1:30-2:30, RB 328
- Preview: where do you go from here in the two main follow on
courses: Advanced Programming and Analysis of Algorithms
- Review
- major data structures, supported operations and efficiencies
- methods on more advanced data structures like BSTs and heaps
- other good things to know how to do: pencil and paper operations on heaps, AVL trees, Huffman trees, hash tables, tree traversals