Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2019, Siena College
Lecture 35: Hashing Wrapup; Review
Date: Friday, December 6, 2019
- Announcements
- Lab 10 due Monday
- Last zyBook Assignment past due
- Programming project
- one weekend to go
- will clone repositories Tuesday morning, no late submissions considered
- don't forget bonus points for any submission committed and pushed by today
- Course evaluations reminder: let's get to that 95% response rate!
- Final exam information
- 8:30 AM, Friday, December 13, RB 340
- See study guide and practice questions in your email
- Same ground rules as first two exams
- Scheduling a review time on Thursday, December 12?
- Hashing wrapup
- handling collisions with open addressing and external chaining
- load factor
- Java's HashMap
- Problem Set 5 recap
- Other review
- hash collision
- open addressing/closed hashing
- external chaining/open hashing/separate chaining
- rehashing
- linear probing
- clustering: primary and secondary
- quadratic rehashing
- double hashing
- load factor