Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2019, Siena College
Lecture 3: Java Review: 2D Arrays and Custom Classes
Date: Monday, September 9, 2019
- Announcements
- Keep making progress on your zyBook review assignment, due September 15
- Lab 0 submissions due at the start of your labs on Wednesday:
no Canvas submission for this one, you only need to turn in your lab
packet and commit and push your code to GitHub
- Code examples now being added to the course web site
- Questions about the syllabus or anything else about the course
after watching the video?
- Problem Set 1 discussion (see email for the assignment and
repository link)
- group formation deadline is Wednesday
- due in 2 weeks
- you will need to make slow and steady progress
- A quick mention: some 2D array discussion in the topic notes
- Working with custom classes
- row-major vs. column-major ordering
- custom class
- array
- constructor
- instance variable/field
- method
- accessor method
- mutator method
- formal parameters
- actual parameters
- method call
- return type
- return value
- array declaration
- array construction
- object construction
- access array elements
- methods (a.k.a. function, procedures, subroutines, subprograms)
- method header
- method body
- method call
- parameters (a.k.a. arguments)
- formal parameter
- actual parameter
- return type
- return value
- classes
- fields, instance variables
- methods, member methods
- object-oriented programming
- objects
- encapsulate
- constructor
- accessor method
- mutator method
- memory diagram
- class variable