Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2018, Siena College
Lecture 36: Wrapup; Recaps; Review
Date: Monday, December 10, 2018
- Announcements
- hope we'll see you at the Reading Day party
- please complete course evaluations for the lecture sections: quiz bonus points for everyone if we get to 95% participation
- finals week office hours and exam review times
- Tuesday 12/11
- available mid to late morning and after the Reading Day party until about 3:30
- Wednesday 12/12
- available mid to late morning, group review 12-1 (room TBD), available again mid-afternoon
- Thursday 12/13
- off campus all day
- Friday 12/14
- available most of the day, group review 12-1 (room TBD), exam 4-6 PM in Sarazen
- watch for grading emails as items are graded
- Problem Set 6 recaps
- Problem Set 7 recaps
- A look back and a look forward