Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2018, Siena College
Lecture 21: Linked Lists
Date: Friday, October 26, 2018
- Announcements
- Problem Set 4 continues; due Monday
- Lab 6: Introduction to Linked Lists done for almost everyone, if you have some to wrap up, do so by Monday also
- zyBook 14.5-14.9 by Wednesday
- Quiz 3 will be back on Monday
- a word about mid-semester grades
- Coming soon: Exam 2
- Tuesday evening, November 6
- same procedure as Exam 1: start between 6 and 8, finish between 8 and 10
- topics in play are those up to Monday's class and next Wednesday's lab, focus on topics since first exam: Big O, recursion (mathematical, on arrays, on linked lists), searching and sorting, linked lists
- practice questions coming next week
- class/lab meeting schedule for that week TBA soon
- Spring 2019 Computer Science classes
- More linked lists
- a complete singly linked list
- linear order
- singly linked list
- list nodes
- list elements