Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2016, Siena College
Lecture 11: Complexity and Asymptotic Analysis
Date: Friday, September 30, 2016
- Announcements
- Exam 1 next Wednesday
- during lab sessions
- sample exam solutions will be posted outside my door
- review session, Tuesday 10/4, 7:30-9:00 in RB 340
- Lab 4: ArrayList Practice continues
- Lecture 09 assignment recap discussion
- Considering the costs of some Vector/ArrayList methods
- Complexity and asymptotic analysis
Lecture 11 Assignment
Due at the start of class, Monday, October 3.
Please submit answers to these questions in
Blackboard under "Lecture 11 Assignment" by the start of
class. We will discuss these questions at the start of class, so no
late submissions can be accepted.
Mostly, you want to be working on the practice exam and wrapping up
the lab. But here are a couple questions to get you going on our
current topic.
- Bailey Problem 5.2, p. 112. (4 points)
- Bailey Problem 5.5, p. 112. (3 points)
- time vs. space tradeoff
- computational cost
- basic operation
- space cost
- trends
- asymptotic analysis
- Big O
- relative rates of growth
- order of growth/complexity
- constant, logarithmic, linear, quadratic, cubic, polynomial, exponential, factorial
- best/worst/average case complexity