Computer Science 210
Data Structures

Fall 2016, Siena College

MazeRunner BlueJ Project

Click here to download a BlueJ project for MazeRunner.

MazeRunner Source Code

The Java source code for MazeRunner is below. Click on a file name to download it.

// A program to solve Mazes with linear structures.
// (c) 1996, 2001 duane a. bailey
// minor enhancements, 2009, Jim Teresco
// for reading:
import structure5.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
####################          ####################
#s#       #f   #   #          #s#       #f...#...#
# ####### #### # # #          #.####### ####.#.#.#
#         #  # ### #          #.........#..#.###.#
##### ### #        #          ##### ###.#........#
#   # #   ####### ##          #   # #...#######.##
#   # # ### #   #  #          #   # #.### #...#..#
#   # # #   # # ## #          #   # #.#...#.#.##.#
#     #   #   #    #          #     #...#...#....#
####################          ####################
public class MazeRunner {
    public static void usage() {
	System.err.println("Usage: java MazeRunner inputmaze [stack|queue]");

    public static void main(String[] arguments)
        /* 1 parameter required: a maze description */
	if (arguments.length == 0) {
        Maze m = new Maze(arguments[0]); // the maze
        Position goal = m.finish(); // where the finish is
        Position square = null; // the current position
        // a linear structure to manage search
	boolean useStack = true;
	if (arguments.length > 1) {
	    if (arguments[1].equals("queue"))
		useStack = false;
	    else if (!arguments[1].equals("stack")) {
        Linear<Position> todo;
	if (useStack) {
	    todo = new StackList<Position>();
	else {
	    todo = new QueueList<Position>();

        // begin by priming the queue(stack) w/starting position
        while (!todo.isEmpty()) // while we haven't finished exploring
            // take the top position from the stack and check for finish
            square = todo.remove();
            if (m.isVisited(square)) continue; // been here before
            if (square.equals(goal)) {
                System.out.println(m); // print solution
            // not finished.
            // visit this location, and add neighbors to pool
            if (m.isClear(square.north())) todo.add(square.north());
            if (m.isClear(square.west())) todo.add(square.west());
            if (m.isClear(square.south())) todo.add(square.south());
            if (m.isClear(square.east())) todo.add(square.east());

// A class for maintaining positions
// August 1996 kimberly tabtiang, duane bailey

// Position is a two-value pair: row & column
// Feature: knows about compass-relations

class Position
    protected int row, col;     // where it's at

    public Position(int r, int c)
    // pre: r & c are position (note order)
    // post: constructs position [r][c]
        row = r;
        col = c;

    public int col()
    // post: returns column/horizontal of position
        return col;

    public int row()
    // post: returns row/vertical of position
        return row;

    public Position north()
    // post: returns position above
        return new Position(row-1,col);

    public Position south()
    // post: returns position below
        return new Position(row+1,col);

    public Position east()
    // post: returns position to right
        return new Position(row,col+1);

    public Position west()
    // post: returns position to left
        return new Position(row,col-1);

    public boolean equals(Object other)
    // post: returns true iff objects represent same position
        Position that = (Position)other;
        return ((this.row == that.row) &&
                (this.col == that.col));

    public String toString()
    // post: returns string representation of Position
        return "["+row+"]["+col+"]";

// A class for reading and manipulating mazes.
// August 1996 kimberly tabtiang, duane bailey

/* An example maze:
#s#       #f   #   #
# ####### #### # # #
#         #  # ### #
##### ### #        #
#   # #   ####### ##
#   # # ### #   #  #
#   # # #   # # ## #
#     #   #   #    #

// an invisible structure for olding maze state
// about a position
class cell
    boolean clear = true;       // this location has no wall
    boolean visited = false;    // we've seen this before

// the main maze class.
class Maze
    protected int nrows;        // number of rows in maze
    protected cell map[][];     // array of cell arrays; can be "ragged"
    protected Position start;   // location of the start
    protected Position finish;  // coordinates of the finish

    public Maze(String filename)
    // pre: filename is the name of a maze file. # is a wall.
    //      's' marks the start, 'f' marks the finish.
    // post: reads and constructs maze from file <filename>
        ReadStream rstream = null; // eventually, the reader

        try // exception occurs on FileInputStream or File
            rstream = new ReadStream(new FileInputStream(new File(filename))); 
        catch (FileNotFoundException e)
  "File could be found.");
            // we read # of rows.  the # of cols depends on line length
            nrows = rstream.readInt();

            // allocate rows.  Understand this.
            map = new cell[nrows][]; // allocate row pointers

            // for each row, read it.
            for (int row=0; row<nrows; row++) { // read rows
                // read in a line
                String s = rstream.readLine();
                // allocate array of cell refs for each line
                int len = s.length();
                map[row] = new cell[len];
                // now, initialize each cell reference to a cell
                for (int col=0; col<len; col++) {
                    char c = s.charAt(col);
                    map[row][col] = new cell();
                    // process each character
                    switch(c) {
                      case 's':
                        start = new Position(row,col); 
                      case 'f': 
                        finish = new Position(row,col); 
                      case ' ':
                      case '.': // means visited, but clear
                      case '#': 
                        map[row][col].clear = false;

        catch (Exception e)
  "IOException on maze read.");
        Assert.condition((start != null) && (finish != null),
                         "start & finish must be defined in maze.");

    public void visit(Position p)
    // pre: p is a position within the maze
    // post: cell at position p is set to visited
        if (isValid(p))
            map[p.row()][p.col()].visited = true;

    public boolean isVisited(Position p)
    // pre: p is a position within the maze
    // pos: returns true if the position has been visited
        return isValid(p) && map[p.row()][p.col()].visited;

    public Position start()
    // post: returns start position
        return start;

    public Position finish()
    // post: returns finish position
        return finish;

    protected boolean isValid(Position p)
    // post: returns true iff p is a location within the maze
        int row = p.row();
        int col = p.col();
        return (row >= 0) && (row < nrows) &&
               (col >= 0) && (col < map[row].length);

    public boolean isClear(Position p)
    // post: returns true iff p is a clear location within the maze
        return isValid(p) && map[p.row()][p.col()].clear;

    public String toString()
    // post: returns string representing maze state
    //       "." is used to mark visited non-start/finish locations
        // a mutable string
        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();

        for (int row=0; row < nrows; row++) {
            for (int col=0; col < map[row].length; col++) {
                Position here = new Position(row,col);
                // determine character to represent location
                // note --- no implementation dependent actions
                if (here.equals(start)) s.append('s');
                else if (here.equals(finish)) s.append('f');
                else if (isVisited(here)) s.append('.');
                else if (isClear(here)) s.append(' ');
                else s.append('#');
        return s.toString();

    public Iterator<Position> neighbors(Position p)
    // pre: p is a valid, clear position
    // post: returns valid and clear neighbors in compass order
        Assert.pre(isValid(p),"Seek neighbors of clear positions.");
        Vector<Position> v = new Vector<Position>(4);
        if (isClear(p.north())) v.add(p.north());
        if (isClear(p.east())) v.add(p.east());
        if (isClear(p.south())) v.add(p.south());
        if (isClear(p.west())) v.add(p.west());
        // v.elements: an iterator over v
        return v.iterator();

    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.println(new Maze("MazeRunner.input"));
#s#       #f...#...#
#.####### ####.#.#.#
##### ###.#........#
#   # #...#######.##
#   # #.### #...#..#
#   # #.#...#.#.##.#
#     #...#...#....#
