Computer Science 202
Introduction to Programming
Fall 2012, The College of Saint Rose
You may do this alone or with a partner. We will work our way through this example as a class.
Augment the CircleAreas example program to print the circumference of each circle (2 * pi * radius) in addition to the area. Your program should print the circumferences to a second file. So you will need to read in another file name from the keyboard Scanner, need to create another PrintWriter for the second file, add println statements to print the circumference information to that second file, and close the second PrintWriter.
Submit just the updated file in Blackboard under the "Lecture Assignment Submissions" category to the "Lecture 19 In-Class Exercise" item. This will earn you 10 lecture assignment points. They're basically free points - take them!
Due at the start of class, Thursday, November 8.
Please submit answers to these questions in Blackboard by the start of class. We will discuss these questions at the start of class, so no late submissions are accepted.
How would you convert the Shout program to Whisper, which should take the contents of the file and force all characters to be lower case? (4 points)