Computer Science 202
Introduction to Programming
Fall 2012, The College of Saint Rose
We will do this together as a class. As we go, you should be developing your own version of the flowchart to be submitted for 10 lecture assignment points. You may work alone or partner with a neighbor for this.
We will develop a flowchart for a program that reads in words, one by one, until we enter the empty string. It keeps track of how many words were read in and the longest word or words, and reports both at the end.
We will develop the flowchart incrementally, just as you should be doing for the current lab.
Here are the steps we will follow:
entered. If not, print a separate message to that effect.
When finished, save and submit your flowchart under "Lecture 15 In-Class Assignment" on Blackboard. If you worked with a partner, make sure both names are included in the "Comments" in Blackboard so both partners receive credit. Again, this submission will earn you 10 lecture assignment points.
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