Computer Science 136
Data Structures and Advanced Programming
Williams College
Fall 2005
Lecture 36: Hashing Wrapup, Bonus Topics
Date: December 9, 2005
Computer Science end-of-semester party, today 2:35 PM, up in the CS Lounge. Join us!
Lab 11 due Monday morning. If you come to the party, you get an extension until Monday at noon.
Final Exam Information
Exam is Friday, December 16, 1:30 PM, TCL 206.
Review session: Wednesday or Thursday evening?
Same format as the others - you can bring in one
8.5 ×11
page of handwritten notes, write on both sides if you'd like
It is comprehensive but will focus on things since last exam.
See complete list of topics in lecture 35 notes.
Hashing Wrapup
Bonus Topics
Mesh Partitioning and Graph Partitioning
Where to from here? What can you take with CS 136 under your belt?
Computer Science 223: Software Development
Computer Science 237: Computer Organization
Computer Science 256: Algorithm Design and Analysis (with Math 251)
Computer Science 315: Computational Biology
Computer Science 323: Software Engineering
Computer Science 334: Principles of Programming Languages (but not this year)
Computer Science 371: Computer Graphics (with Math 211)
Computer Science 373: Artificial Intelligence (with Math 251)
Future of CS 136