Computer Science 136 Data Structures and Advanced Programming Williams College Fall 2005
Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview
Date: September 9, 2005
Welcome to Computer Science 136!
- Announcements
- Computer Science Colloquium, Fridays 2:30 PM, TCL 206. This
week: welcome back party, CoSSAC elections.
- You can pick up your copy of the textbook from Lorraine Robinson in TCL 303. Your term bill will be charged.
- Syllabus and Course Ground Rules
- Entrance survey
- Other Introductory Notes
- Java and Object-Oriented Programming Overview/Review
Links from today's lecture.
These are in the "examples" directories in the CS 136 shared areas
on both the CSLab Unix systems (in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs136/examples) and Macs (in /Network/Servers/cortland.cs.williams.edu/Volumes/Courses/cs136/examples).
- Late
Graph of the output:
- Hello