Computer Science 136
Data Structures and Advanced Programming

Williams College
Fall 2005

Lab 7: P.S.: It's Just a Stack
Due: Monday, October 31, 2005 at 9:00 AM

Short Answers

Complete the following problems from the book and turn them in as a text file lab7.txt at the start of lab.

9.6, 9.10, 9.12

Lab Program

This week's laboratory is described in Section 9.5 in the Bailey book.

Before lab, copy the starter files from the cs136 shared area under labs/postscript on the Macs or FreeBSD systems. Familiarize yourself with these three classes and make sure you understand how they work.

Come to lab with a handwritten sketch of the Interpreter class that you will be writing (where you will process the tokens being delivered to your interpreter by the provided iterator class).

A few things to consider as you implement this lab:

When you're finished, create and submit a tar file lab7.tar that includes the following:

You should not include the three files from the textbook's web page in your submitted tar file.