Computer Science 136 Data Structures and Advanced Programming Williams College Fall 2005
Lab 8: Hex-a-Pawn
Due: Monday, November 7, 2005 at 9:00 AM
Short Answers
Complete the following problems from the book and turn them in as a
text file lab8.txt at the start of lab.
Lab Program
This week's lab uses trees to play Hex-a-Pawn, a small chess-like
game. You will build a tree representing all possible states that the
game board can be in. You will then implement several different
players that consult this tree to make moves as they play Hex-a-Pawn.
The players include: a human player that asks the user for moves to
make; a random player that picks possible moves at random; and a
computer player that improves its strategy by learning from past
mistakes. In the end, you will be able to run the different players
against each other. The lab is outlined in Section 11.11 of Bailey.
- Before lab, copy the starter files from the cs136 shared area under
labs/hexapawn on the Macs or FreeBSD systems. You should find
HexBoard.java, HexMove.java, and Player.java.
Familiarize yourself with these classes.
- A significant part of your task is to design and implement the
GameTree class. This is a tree structure with potentially many
children instead of just two. Think about the methods you will need
in this class and how you can represent the structure. Bring a
handwritten sketch of GameTree to lab so we can check on them
before you get too far along.
- You can play a game of Hex-a-Pawn by running java HexBoard
after compiling the starter files.
- To use your three Player classes as described in the book,
implement the Hex-a-Pawn game as the main method of a class HexaPawn.java. This program should take four parameters. The first
two specify the number of rows and columns the board should have. The
third and fourth should be "human", "comp", or "random" to
indicate what type of player should be used for the white and pieces,
- Gardner's original paper describing this game is under labs/hexapawn in the CS136 common area on cortland and the FreeBSD
systems. Take a look, if you're interested. Notice the ad for a
"comparator" on the third page.
When you're finished, create and submit a tar file lab8.tar that
includes the following:
- Your well-documented source code for all Java files that you
write. You do not need to submit source code for starter
files, as you should not need to modify them.
- A README file that contains your answers to
thought questions 1 and 2.
For thought question 1, you should be able to generate trees for
boards of size 3 ×4 and 4 ×3 quite easily. For 4
×4 and 3 ×5, you will need to tell Java to allow your
program to allocate more memory than it normally would be allowed to
To do this, add the options -Xms1500m -Xmx1500m
after the
command java and before the name of your class when you run the