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Computer Science 136 |
Lab 11: Flytrap Airlines
Due: Monday, December 12, 2005 at 9:00 AM
Short Answers
Complete the following problems from the book and turn them in as a text file lab11.txt at the start of lab.
14.1, 14.2, 14.6, 14.8, 14.16
Lab Program
It's about time to think about heading home for the break. To facilitate your travel plans, and to help keep you out of trouble until that time comes, your task this week is to implement part of a flight reservation system for Flytrap Airlines (FTA).
Welcome to FTA: You are now free to spin around infecting your neighbors.
While you have until Monday to finish the lab, it should be short enough that you should be able to finish most of it during the lab meeting.
The FTA Reservation System
The FTA reservation system implements six commands:
Here is a sample run of the program with a small data set consisting of 9 cities and roughly 500 flights:
enter command> airports
ALB: Albany, NY
DEN: Denver, CO
DFW: Dallas/Ft Worth, TX
IAD: Washington [Dulles], DC
JFK: New York [Kennedy], NY
ORD: Chicago [Hare], IL
PDX: Portland, OR
SEA: Seattle, WA
SFO: San Francisco, CA
enter command> flights ORD ALB
FTA 7600 ORD -> ALB 800 until 1056 (116 min)
FTA 7598 ORD -> ALB 1050 until 1347 (117 min)
FTA 388 ORD -> ALB 1320 until 1624 (124 min)
FTA 1448 ORD -> ALB 1750 until 2053 (123 min)
FTA 1108 ORD -> ALB 1805 until 2111 (126 min)
FTA 1572 ORD -> ALB 2045 until 2348 (123 min)
FTA 1070 ORD -> ALB 2055 until 2411 (126 min)
enter command> distance ALB PDX
Total Distance is 2391
ALB -> PDX 2391
enter command> distance SFO ALB
Total Distance is 2564
SFO -> ORD 1843
ORD -> ALB 721
enter command> trip SFO ALB 600
FTA 132 SFO -> ORD 630 until 1228 (238 min)
FTA 388 ORD -> ALB 1320 until 1624 (124 min)
enter command> trip SFO ALB 1600
Not possible.
enter command> trip SFO ALB 1200
FTA 212 SFO -> IAD 1245 until 2043 (298 min)
FTA 7843 IAD -> ALB 2120 until 2243 (83 min)
enter command> trip ALB PDX 1000
FTA 7819 ALB -> IAD 1025 until 1150 (85 min)
FTA 353 IAD -> DEN 1155 until 1334 (219 min)
FTA 523 DEN -> PDX 1425 until 1604 (159 min)
enter command> quit
Your job will be to implement the airports, flights, distance, and trip commands. Most of the code has been provided for you, including a basic implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm. There are two FTA data sets for you to use- small and large. Use the small data set while developing your code. Once it is working, you can use the large data set, which has roughly 400 airports and 7,000 flights.
Program Structure
The starter code contains several classes for you to use.
Programming Tasks
* An implementation of dijkstra's algorithm to compute route
* distances. You should not modify this method.
* @pre g is a schedule graph and start is a non-null Airport
* @post returns a map from Airport to (distance, previous-edge)
* Associations.
protected Map<Airport, ComparableAssociation<Integer,Edge<Airport,Route>>>
dijkstra(Graph<Airport,Route> g, Airport start);
This method returns a Map, which has Airports as keys and ComparableAssociations as values. The Associations store pairs of the form (distance, previous-Edge). The edge is the last edge on the shortest path from start to the Airport in question. The Association for the start is (0, null). To finish implementing the distance command, you must write a method with the following signature:
* @pre distances is a map from Airport to (distance, previous-edge)
* Associations.
* @pre destination is the end of the route we are printing.
* @post Prints out the route distances from the source to destination (by
* following the previous edges back to the source.
protected void printShortestPath(
Edge<Airport,Route>>> distances,
Airport destination);
This method should take the Map returned from Dijkstra's algorithm and print out the edges on the path from the start to the destination. You will need to trace back through the edges in the associations stored in the map to do this.
* An implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm to compute earliest-arriving
* itineraries. You should modify this method to enqueue new possible
* itineraries into the prioirity queue.
* @pre g is a scheule graph and start is a non-null Airport
* @post returns a map from Airport to (arrival-time, previous-flight)
* Associations.
protected Map<Airport,ComparableAssociation<Integer,Flight>>
dijkstraEarliestArrival(Graph<Airport,Route> g, Airport start,
int time);
The time parameter indicates the earliest time that you may leave the start airport. To support this type of search, the Map returned from dijkstraEarliestArrival should map Airports to (earliest-arrival-time,Flight) Associations. You need to add code to dijkstraEarliestArrival to insert new potential paths into the priority queue according to the arrival time metric. In order for an itinerary to be valid, each flight segment should depart after the previous flight has arrived. In reality, one would want some time to change planes, but ignore this for now.
Once you have completed the modified Dijkstra's algorithm, you should write the following method to print out an itinerary:
* @pre earliestArrivals is a map from Airport to
* (arrivalTime, previous-flight) Associations.
* @pre destination is the end of the route we are printing.
* @post Prints out the flights from the source to destination (by
* following the previous flights back to the source.
protected void printItinerary(
Flight>> earliestArrivals,
Airport destination);
This method should be nearly identical to printShortestPath.
What to Submit
You only need to submit your modified FlytrapAirlines.java file.