Lab 9 - Darwin
Part 1 Due: Monday, November 15, 2004 at 9:00 AM
Part 2 Due: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 3:50 PM
Competition: In Lab, Wednesday, December 1
Short Answers
Complete the following problems from the book, and the extra questions
below, and turn them in as a text file lab9.txt at the start of
11.10, 11.20, 11.22, 12.2
Lab Program
In this assignment, your job is to build a simulator for a game called
Darwin invented by Nick Parlante. The assignment has
several purposes:
- To give you more practice writing large, multi-class programs.
- To illustrate the importance of modular decomposition and
information hiding. The entire program is broken down into a
series of classes that can be developed and tested independently,
without revealing representational details.
- To have fun with a problem that is algorithmically
interesting in its own right.
Since this is a larger program than the previous labs, and since next
Wednesday's lab period will be partially taken by the second exam, you
will have two weeks to complete it.
The Darwin World
The Darwin program simulates a two-dimensional world divided up into
small squares and populated by a number of creatures. Each of the
creatures lives in one of the squares, faces in one of the major
compass directions (North, East, South, or West) and belongs to a
particular species, which determines how that creature behaves. For
example, one possible world is shown below:
A sample Darwin world.
The sample world in Figure * is populated with
twenty creatures, ten of a species called Flytrap and ten of a species
called Rover. In each case, the creature is identified in the
graphics world with the first letter in its name. The orientation is
indicated by the figure surrounding the identifying letter; the
creature points in the direction of the arrow. The behavior of each
creature-which you can think of as a small robot-is controlled by a
program that is particular to each species. Thus, all of the Rovers
behave in the same way, as do all of the Flytraps, but the behavior of
each species is different from the other.
As the simulation proceeds, every creature gets a turn. On its turn,
a creature executes a short piece of its program in which it may look
in front of itself to see what's there and then take some action. The
possible actions are moving forward, turning left or right, or
infecting some other creature standing immediately in front, which
transforms that creature into a member of the infecting species. As
soon as one of these actions is completed, the turn for that creature
ends, and some other creature gets its turn. When every creature has
had a turn, the process begins all over again with each creature
taking a second turn, and so on. The goal of the game is to infect as
many creatures as possible to increase the population of your own
Species programming
In order to know what to do on any particular turn, a creature
executes some number of instructions in an internal program specific
to its species. For example, the program for the Flytrap species is
shown below:
step | instruction | comment |
1 | ifenemy 4 | If there is an enemy ahead, go to step 4 |
2 | left | Turn left |
3 | go 1 | Go back to step 1 |
4 | infect | Infect the adjacent creature |
5 | go 1 | Go back to step 1 |
The step numbers are not part of the actual program, but are included
here to make it easier to understand the program. On its turn, a
Flytrap first checks to see if it is facing an enemy creature in the
adjacent square. If so, the program jumps ahead to step 4 and infects
the hapless creature that happened to be there. If not, the program
instead goes on to step 2, in which it simply turns left. In either
case, the next instruction is a go instruction that will cause the
program to start over again at the beginning of the program.
Programs are executed beginning with the instruction in step 1 and
ordinarily continue with each new instruction in sequence, although
this order can be changed by certain instructions in the program.
Each creature is responsible for remembering the number of the next
step to be executed. The instructions that can be part of a Darwin
program are listed below:
- hop:
- The creature moves forward as long as
the square it is facing is empty. If moving forward would put the
creature outside the boundaries of the world or would cause it to land
on top of another creature, the hop instruction does nothing.
- left:
- The creature turns left 90 degrees to face in a new
- right:
- The creature turns right 90 degrees.
- infect n:
- If the square immediately in front of this
creature is occupied by a creature of a different species (an
"enemy") that creature is infected to become the same as the
infecting species. When a creature is infected, it keeps its position
and orientation, but changes its internal species indicator and begins
executing the same program as the infecting creature, starting at step
n of the program. The number n is optional. If it is missing, the
infected creature should start at step 1.
- ifempty n:
- If the square in front of the creature is
unoccupied, update the next instruction field in the creature so that
the program continues from step n. If that square is occupied or
outside the world boundary, go on with the next instruction in
- ifwall n:
- If the creature is facing the border of the
world (which we imagine as consisting of a huge wall) jump to step n;
otherwise, go on with the next instruction in sequence.
- ifsame n:
- If the square the creature is facing is
occupied by a creature of the same species, jump to step n; otherwise,
go on with the next instruction.
- ifenemy n:
- If the square the creature is facing is
occupied by a creature of an enemy species, jump to step n; otherwise,
go on with the next instruction.
- ifrandom n:
- In order to make it possible to write some
creatures capable of exercising what might be called the rudiments of
"free will," this instruction jumps to step n half the time and
continues with the next instruction the other half of the time.
- go n:
- This instruction always jumps to step n,
independent of any condition.
A creature can execute any number of if or go instructions
without relinquishing its turn. The turn ends only when the program
executes one of the instructions hop, left, right,
or infect. On subsequent turns, the program starts up from the
point in the program at which it ended its previous turn.
The program for each species is stored in a file in the subdirectory
named Creatures in the assignment folder. Each file in that
directory consists of the species name and color, followed by the
steps in the species program, in order. The program ends with an
empty line. Comments may appear after the blank line or at the end of
each instruction line. For example, the program file for the Flytrap
creature looks like this:
Flytrap |
magenta |
ifenemy 4 |
left |
go 1 |
infect |
go 1 |
The flytrap sits in one place and spins. |
It infects anything which comes in front. |
Flytraps do well when they clump.
There are several presupplied creature files:
- Food: This creature spins in a square but never infects
anything. Its only purpose is to serve as food for other creatures.
As Nick Parlante explains, "the life of the Food creature is so
boring that its only hope in life is to be eaten by something else so
that it gets reincarnated as something more interesting."
- Hop: This creature just keeps hopping forward until it
reaches a wall. Not very interesting, but it is useful to see if your
program is working.
- Flytrap: This creature spins in one square, infecting any
enemy creature it sees.
- Rover: This creature walks in straight lines until it is
blocked, infecting any enemy creature it sees. If it can't move
forward, it turns.
You can also create your own creatures by creating a data file in the
format described above.
Your Assignment
Your mission is to write the Darwin simulator and get it running. The
program is large enough that it is broken down into a number of
separate classes that work together to solve the complete problem.
You are responsible for implementing the following classes:
- Darwin: This class contains the main program, which is
responsible for setting up the world, populating it with creatures,
and running the main loop of the simulation that gives each creature a
turn. The details of these operations are generally handled by the
other modules. New creatures should be created in random empty
locations, pointing in random directions.
- Species: This class represents a species, and provides
operations for reading in a species description from a file and for
working with the programs that each creature executes.
- Creature: Objects of this class represent individual
creatures, along with operations for creating new creatures and for
taking a turn.
- World: This class contains an abstraction for a
two-dimensional world, into which you can place the creatures.
Skeletons of these classes are provided in the starter folder.
You should not need to add any additional public methods to
these classes. In addition, we provide you with three helper classes
that you should use without modification:
- Instruction: This simple class represents one instruction
out of the instruction set of the Species.
- Position: This class represents (x,y) points in the world
and constants for compass directions.
- WorldMap: This class handles all of the graphics for the
Documentation for these classes is provided at the end of the handout.
Familiarize yourself with the classes before you begin.
Here is a suggested course of action to implement Darwin:
- Copy the starter files contained in darwin-startup.tar
under labs/darwin from the CS136 common areas on cortland or
- You can use the program in darwin.jar, also in the labs/darwin common directory, to run a sample solution. This will
give you a chance to see how the program is supposed to behave. Run
it with a command line like
java -classpath darwin.jar:$CLASSPATH Darwin Hop.txt Rover.txt
while inside a directory that has Creatures as a subdirectory.
- Write the World class. This should be straight-forward if
you use a Matrix object or a 2-dimensional array to represent
the world. Test this class thoroughly before proceeding.
Write a main method in that class and verify that all of the methods
- Write the Species class. The hardest part will be parsing
the program file and storing it in the Species. Note that the
first instruction of a program is at address 1, not 0. Test
this class thoroughly before proceeding. Write a main method in that
class and verify that all of the methods work.
- Fill in the basic details of Creature class.
Implement only enough to create creatures and have them display
themselves on the world map. Implement takeOneTurn for the
simple instructions (left, right, go, hop).
Test the basic Creature thoroughly before proceeding.
Write a main method in that class and verify that all of the methods
- Begin to implement the simulator in the Darwin class. Start
by reading a single species and creating one creature of that species.
Write a loop that lets the single creature take 10 or 20 turns.
- Go back to Creature and implement more of the
takeOneTurn method. Test as you go-- implement an instruction
or two, and verify that a Creature will behave correctly, using your
partially written Darwin class.
- Finish up the Darwin class. Populate the board with
creatures of different species and make your main simulation loop
iterate over the creatures giving each a turn. The class should
create creatures for the species given as command line arguments to
the program when you run it. See for more details.
Run the simulation for several hundred iterations or so. You can
always stop the program by pressing control-C in the terminal window
or closing the Darwin Window.
- Finally, finish testing the implementation by making sure that
the creatures interact with each other correctly. Test ifenemy,
infect, etc.
What to Turn In
You will submit the program in two phases:
- You must turn in preliminary versions of and by Monday, November 15, 2004 at 9:00 AM. You should test
these classes by themselves and provide tests to demonstrate that they
work properly.
- You must turn in the following five files by Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 3:50 PM:
- Final version of
- Final version of
- A Species of your own design. It can be as simple or as complex
as you like. We will pit your creatures against each other to watch
them battle for survival. Fabulous prizes will be awarded.
Possible Extensions
There are many ways to extend the program to simulate more interesting
Species behavior. Here are just a few ideas if you wish to extend
Darwin for extra credit:
- Give creatures better eyesight. Add ifenemy dir n. This
variation on on the ifenemy instruction can check if there is an
enemy two steps in front of a creature (this can help make fly traps
much more lethal) or to either side (peripheral vision). To do this,
the extra parameter dir is interpreted to mean "look one square
ahead" for dir==0, "look two squares ahead" for dir==1,
"look left" for dir==2, and "look right" for dir==3.
Similar variants make sense for the other tests as well.
- Give creatures memory. This can be as simple as permitting each
creature store a single integer. You can then add the following
instructions to the instruction set: set n to set a creature's
memory; ifeq v n to jump to address n in the program if a
creature's memory contains v; and inc and dec to add
and subtract from memory. None of these instructions should end a
turn. You can get more coordinated activity by using this type of
- Give creatures the ability to communicate. Once creatures have
memory, let them ask the creature on the square infront of them what
is on its mind with the ifmemeq v n. This instruction reads the
memory of the creature in the square infront of a creature and jumps
to n if that value is v. You can also add copymem
that copies the value in the memory value of the creature in front of
you to your own memory. These instructions permit creatures to form
quite successful "phalanx" formations.
- Make creatures mutate. Perhaps copies of creatures aren't quite
the same as originals-- when a creature infects another creature,
make there be a chance that the infected creature will be a mutation
of the infecting creature's species. This will require creating new
Species that are close, but not quite exact, copies of an existing
Species. Taken to its extreme, you can make species evolve over time
to become better and better at surviving in the Darwin world.
- Implement any other extension you find interesting.
In lab on Wednesday, December 1, we will have two competitions. Everyone is
invited to enter one or two creartures into each tournament. The
first will allow creatures that use only the basic features of Darwin.
The second will allow creatures that also use the extra features
described above (better vision, memory, and communication, but not mutation).
Each entry for each competition will be placed into a
double-elimination tournament bracket with seedings determined by
random draw. Each head-to-head matchup will be decided by the best of
three runs, where each run will have the following parameters:
- The universe is 15 ×15.
- Each species starts with 10 creatures, randomly placed on the
board facing in random directions.
- A third species (one of rover, flytrap, or food) will also have
10 creatures placed on the screen. The third species will also be
determined randomly.
- The order that each creature gets to take its turn on each
iteration is determined randomly. There will be a 200 millisecond
pause between each iteration.
- A run ends in a win for a species if any of the following occur:
- all 30 creatures remaining are of that species.
- 90 seconds elapse and that species has at least 20
creatures on the board.
- A run ends in a draw if any of the following occur:
- all 30 creatures remaining are of the third
randomly-selected species.
- 90 seconds elapse and neither competing species has at
least 20 creatures on the board.
A darwin.jar file will be available in the CS136 common
directory that will let you test your creatures with the extended
features and the stopping conditions implemented. It will also
simulate based on the rules of our game. If you give one of the
species names as "random" on the command line, it will randomly
choose one of rover, flytrap, or food for that species.
Feel free to practice against each other and discuss your creature
ideas with each other, if you'd like.
The decisions of the judge (your favorite CS 136 instructor) are