Computer Science 120
Introduction to Programming
Spring 2011, Siena College
Lecture 23: More Strings
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011
- Announcements
- CSIS 120 summer offering - spread the word
- Today's office hours likely will need to be cut short (sorry!)
- Reminder: tomorrow's lab sessions treated as office hours
- Programming project 2 due tomorrow
- but...late penalty clock will not run during the break
(restarts 9 AM Tuesday, April 26)
- time stamp in hw submit folders used for penalty purposes
- you may hand in your printouts in class next Tuesday
- demos may be done during next week's lab session
- Lab 8 details
- Hangman wrapup and improvements
- Evil Hangman!
No New Lecture Assignment
The lecture assignment that formerly occupied this space has been
postponed to the next lecture.