Computer Science 112
The Art & Science of Computer Graphics

Spring 2013, The College of Saint Rose

Lecture 6: Defining Custom Objects
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2013


Lecture Assignment 6

Due at the start of class, Tuesday, February 5.

Please submit answers to these questions either as a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK) or by email to terescoj AT by the start of class. Please use a clear subject line when submitting by email (e.g., CSC 112 Lecture Assignment 6, Joe Student). We will discuss these questions at the start of class, so no late submissions are accepted.

Write (or type) out a Mead definition for a tetrahedron constructed as a Mesh object. You need not run this in DrScheme or generate an image, but you may do so if you wish. Recall that a tetrahedron is a polyhedron (like the cube and pyramid we saw in class) except that it has just four faces and are all triangles. Your tetrahedron should be centered at the origin and have one of its points facing up and aligned on the y-axis, but you need not worry about keeping all of the faces the same size.

Note: ensuring a regular tetrahedron - where all four faces are equilateral triangles - would require some careful calculations using trigonometric relations. We will construct a regular tetrahedron in class, but you need not do so in your submission. (8 points)

