Computer Science 112
The Art & Science of Computer Graphics
Spring 2013, The College of Saint Rose
Lecture 4: Objects and Groups
Date: Thursday, January 24, 2013
- Announcements
- Extra help sessions will be Wednesdays 10:40-11:40 in
Science Center 469A - all are welcome
- Working on getting tutoring from the Academic Support Center
- Update on Mead in additional labs
- Update on bootable CDs to run Mead on PCs
- Lecture assignment 3 recap
- Pre-lab: ensure everyone can log in, enter ans save a Mead model
to an appropriate location, run Mead to generate and save an image,
also to an appropriate location (which could later be uploaded to
the Wiki)
- Steps in developing a model (so far)
- Mead require
- Add objects to the scene
- tell the scene that you want to add things
- so far, these "things" are cube, sphere, cylinder, and cone objects
- we can subject to transformations including
translate, scale, xRot, yRot, and
zRot, and compose-"itions" of these
- Tell the camera to shoot a picture
- Use lots of comments
- And do it all in the proper Scheme syntax
- Building an ice cream cone
- Defining group objects - lots of ice cream cones
- Start work on Studio/Lab 2: A Simple Model
No New Lecture Assignment