Computer Science 112
The Art & Science of Computer Graphics

Spring 2013, The College of Saint Rose

Studio/Lab 5: Modeling with Realistic Materials
Due: 4:00 PM, Friday, March 1, 2013

In this lab, you will gain further experience working with all of the techniques we have been studying recently by constructing a realistic model.

A Realistic Model

Use everything we have learned, in particular colors and materials, to develop an object or objects that looks as realistic as possible. Develop at least two new materials for use in your model. Be sure to place your realistic object or objects in an appropriate setting when your generate your final images.

Be sure to continue to construct your model in a hierarchical fashion, grouping primitive objects into components that are, in turn, grouped into complete objects that you place into your scene. Define named constants that represent the sizes and positions of your objects as we saw in the ski race gate and other examples.


  1. Email a copy of the source code for your model (the scheme file, which should always be saved with a .scm extension) and your best image (which should always be saved in PNG format and using a .png extension) as attachments to terescoj AT Please include a meaningful subject line (something like "CSC 112 Studio/Lab 5 Submission"). Make sure your name is included in a comment in your model code, and that you have comments throughout the source code to make it easier to understand.
  2. Rename your best image to include your name, then upload it to the wiki. For example, if you generate an image of a rusty tow truck and your name is Lightning McQueen, you might call your image "LightningMcQueenTruck.png".
  3. Add a section to your wiki page named "Modeling with Realistic Materials" that includes a link to your image and a description of your model that generated the image.


Your submitted model and image will be graded out of 30 points. Your grade will be based on how well the model meets the requirements, documentation, and presentation on your Wiki page. Documentation (comments) in your submitted Mead model should include your name, the assignment (Studio/Lab 5: Modeling with Realistic Materials) and a brief description of the model at the top, and descriptions of sections of the model that might not be clear to someone trying to understand it. Your model code should always be nicely formatted. You can always select "Reindent All" from the "Scheme" menu in DrScheme to have the system format your code nicely. This will help with readability. Since it's so easy to do, there's no excuse for turning in poorly-formatted models.

Grading Breakdown

Using at least 2 custom materials 8 points
Realistic object or objects 8 points
Setting for realistic objects 5 points
Model documentation 4 points
Image on wiki page 2 points
Model description on wiki page 3 points