Computer Science 112
The Art & Science of Computer Graphics
Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose
We will work together in class to develop our first Python program describing a simple model. Make some small change to the model we made in class (change its color, for example). Then demonstrate your program and show that your Python program and the image generated are saved to your network storage area to get credit for this in-class exercise.
Due at the start of class, Wednesday, September 16.
Please submit answers to these questions either as a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK) or by email to terescoj AT by the start of class. Please use a clear subject line when submitting by email (e.g., CSC 112 Lecture 4 Assignment , Joe Student). We will discuss these questions at the start of class, so no late submissions are accepted.
Describe the size and location of each of the cubes added with the following Python/Ambrosia statements (6 points):
scene.add(cube, translate(100,0,0)*scale(2,2,2), redPlaster) scene.add(cube, scale(2,2,2)*translate(100,0,0), bluePlaster)