Computer Science 112
The Art & Science of Computer Graphics
Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose
This is a very short lab exercise designed to give you some practice working with custom materials. Our goal (as a group) is to create a collection of marbles.
Getting Set Up
Create a new folder for your work on this Studio/Lab.
A Marble
Your task is to develop and submit a model of a single marble of your own design. Come up with an appropriate material (or materials) for your marble and use it to create a spherical marble with diameter 100, centered at the origin.
In addition to using a nice material for the glass of your marble, there should be some object on the inside of the marble. This is a good chance to practice your constructive solid geometry and custom object skills in preparation for the first exam.
Please make sure your name is included both in the name of the file you use and in the object names in your model. For example, if your name is Grace Hopper, you might name your marble object (the Group, Difference, etc., that defines your marble) gHopperMarble and your model file If you defined a new "shiny green" material for your marble, you might name that Material as gHopperShinyGreen. Your marble should be the only thing added to the scene, and it must be added as a single object. For example, the model described above would include something like:
from ambrosia import * gHopperShinyGreen = Material() gHopperShinyGreen.color(green) # add other material properies gHopperMarble = Group() gHopperMarble.add(sphere, ...) # add any components you wish to your marble scene.add(gHopperMarble, gHopperShinyGreen) camera.shoot()
It is important that you follow these naming conventions, as I plan to construct a model that includes everyone's marbles.
You may submit more than one marble for inclusion in the class marble collection, but if you do, please make it clear which one you would like to be graded.
This assignment is worth 20 points, which are distributed as follows:
> Feature | Value | Score |
Main marble material | 7 | |
Interesting design encased in the marble | 4 | |
Naming conventions | 1 | |
Model documentation and formatting | 2 | |
Image(s) on wiki page | 2 | |
Model description on wiki page | 3 | |
Emailed source code (Python/Ambrosia model) | 1 | |
Total | 20 | |