Computer Science 110 The Art & Science of Computer Graphics Mount Holyoke College Spring 2010
Lecture 03: Objects and Groups
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010
- Announcements
- Labs this week will start at their usual times: 9:00 AM and 1:30 PM
- Defining custom objects
- Defining group objects
- Building a snowman
- Defining simple colors and materials
- Adding lights
- Modifying the camera
- Studio/Lab 1 out
Lecture Assignment 03
Due at the start of class, Monday, February 8.
Please submit answers to these questions
either as a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK) or by email to
jteresco AT mtholyoke.edu by the start of class. We will discuss these questions at
the start of class, so no late submissions are accepted.
- Write (or type) out a Mead definition for a four-legged table,
and Mead code that will add two such tables to a scene. You need
not run this is DrScheme or generate an image, but you may do so if
you wish.
- Describe the size and location of each of the cubes added with
the following Mead code:
(add cube redPlaster
(translate 100 0 0)
(scale 2 2 2)
(add cube bluePlaster
(scale 2 2 2)
(translate 100 0 0)
- IceCreamCones
- SnowMan
- WhiteCubeInBlueLight