Computer Science 110 The Art & Science of Computer Graphics Mount Holyoke College Spring 2010
Lecture 02: Elementary Modeling
Date: Monday, February 1, 2010
- Announcements
- TA evening drop-in hours are set. See the course home page.
- Lab recap
- Lecture assignment recap
- Elementary modeling
- the major players in our Mead models: the objects, the scene, the camera
- adding primitive objects
- colors and materials
- simple transformations: scaling, translating, rotating
No New Lecture Assignment
Class examples listed here will be available both on the class Wiki in category "Class Examples" and on the Macs in Kendade 307. We will see how to access the examples from the lab machines during our Friday Studio/Lab meetings.
- FirstExampleCube
- MoreCube
- MoreShapes
- ColoredSpheres
- RotatedCubes
- Axes