Computer Science 010
Introduction to Computer Applications

Fall 2010, Siena College

Lecture 20: Web Scripting; eCommerce; Web Security
Date: Monday, November 29, 2010


Lecture Assignment 20

Due at the start of class, Wednesday, December 1.

Please submit answers to these questions in Blackboard by the start of class. We will discuss these questions at the start of class, so no late submissions are accepted. Read the section of the "Web" Topic Notes on Web Search then answer the following questions.

  1. The start of the section lists 4 categories of sites. Find at least one example of each. Provide the name of the site, a link, and why you think it fits the category.
  2. Which search engines have you used? Which do you use most frequently?
  3. Web page authors often wish to have their pages rank highly in search engines to help drive traffic to their site. How might they do this when a search engine uses the frequency of search words on the page? Would that approach work for Google's PageRank system?
  4. Google's "Instant Search" does an autocompletion and provides choices of likely search terms as you type (try it!). However, some words and phrases disable this auto completion. This site (beware: contents would be rated R) lists many of the search terms that trigger Instant Search to shut off. Discuss the benefits and down sides of such a "blacklist" of search terms.
  5. Read Google's basic search tips and advanced search tips pages. Specify Google search queries that would find:
    1. pages that contain either the phrase "operating system" or the word "SIENAVAC" on the site
    2. pages that contain information about pie, but not pizza pies or mud pies, or apple pies.
