Computer Science 136
Data Structures and Advanced Programming

Williams College
Fall 2005

Lecture 11: Comparable Objects, Sorting
Date: October 3, 2005





Correctness Proof for recSelSort

To prove correctness of a procedure like our recursive selection sort, we use a form of proof by mathematical induction:

  1. Prove base case(s). (Usually this is trivial)
  2. Show that if algorithm works correctly for all simpler (i.e., smaller) input, then will work for current input.

To show that the recSelSort algorithm given earlier is correct, we will reason by induction on the size of the array (i.e. on lastIndex)

Base: If lastIndex <= 0 then at most one element in elts, and hence sorted - correct.

Induction Hypothesis: Suppose it works if lastIndex < n.

Induction: Show it works if last = n (> 0).

The for loop finds largest element and then swaps it with elts[lastIndex].

Thus elts[lastIndex] holds the largest element of list, while others are held in elts[0..lastIndex-1].

Since lastIndex- 1 < lastIndex, know (by induction hypothesis) that recSelSort(lastIndex-1,elts) sorts elts[0..lastIndex-1].

Because elts[0..lastIndex-1] in order and elts[lastIndex] is >= all of them, elts[0..lastIndex] is sorted.


Complexity Proof for recSelSort

Claim: recSelSort(n-1,elts) (i.e, on n elements) involves n*(n-1)/2 comparisons of elements of array.

Base: n = 0 or 1, 0 comparisons and n*(n-1)/2 = 0.

Induction hypothesis: Suppose recSelSort(k-1,elts) takes k*(k-1)/2 comparisons for all k < n.

Induction step: Show that it's true for n as well.

Look at algorithm: Run algorithm on recSelSort(n-1,elts). Therefore, last = n-1.

Go through for loop "last" = n-1 times, w/ one comparison each time through.

Thus n-1 comparisons. The only other comparisons are in the recursive call: recSelSort(last-1,elts) where last = n-1.

But by induction (since last < n), this takes last*(last-1)/2 = (n-1)*(n-2)/2 comparisons.

Therefore, altogether we have (n-1) + (n-1)*(n-2)/2 = (n-1)*2/2 + (n-1)*(n-2)/2 = (n-1)*(2 + n-2)/2 = (n-1)*n/2 = n(n-1)/2 comparisons.

Finished proof.

Therefore recSelSort takes O(n2) comparisons.