Computer Science 136
Data Structures and Advanced Programming

Williams College
Fall 2005

Lab 8: Hex-a-Pawn
Due: Monday, November 7, 2005 at 9:00 AM

Short Answers

Complete the following problems from the book and turn them in as a text file lab8.txt at the start of lab.

11.8, 11.10, 11.20

Lab Program

This week's lab uses trees to play Hex-a-Pawn, a small chess-like game. You will build a tree representing all possible states that the game board can be in. You will then implement several different players that consult this tree to make moves as they play Hex-a-Pawn. The players include: a human player that asks the user for moves to make; a random player that picks possible moves at random; and a computer player that improves its strategy by learning from past mistakes. In the end, you will be able to run the different players against each other. The lab is outlined in Section 11.11 of Bailey.


When you're finished, create and submit a tar file lab8.tar that includes the following: